Welcome: Shenzhen Go Fast Promo Co.,Ltd
Michael@gofastpromo.com +86 187 5787 8010


What's the China factory situation now under covid influence?

On 15th March, 2022, it was increased 92 covid cases in our city, Shenzhen. From 1st Jan 2022 to 15th March, 1437 covid cases were reported. Entire city is facing a serious challenge of fighting for preventing virus spreading. So we have benn blocked down since 14th March to 20th March. Companies are not allowed to work at the office; Metro and bus shut down; resturant can only do delivery service. Such strict policies let this city slow down. In the meantime, many covid cases also blowed up in other cities. So how will this influence Chinese factories in intl business?

Firstly, we don't need to be scared. Except Shenzhen, factories in other cities are working normally. So production still moving if your order not placed in Shenzhen. 

Secondly, courier service may be slow down when the courier route is in cities which has many covid cases. So this may let your sample delay. If your supplier can deliver on time, don't forget to say thank you to them.

Thirdly, same as last year, the shipping cost keep sharp up trend during these time. Bcs Shenzhen and HK is in bad situation, shipments cannot go shenzhen to HK. So airlines price will increased for sure. This situation all of us don't want to see.

It's a big challenge for many companies in this year, hope every guy can carry on until see the coming spring!  



Contact: Michael Zeng

Phone: +86 187 5787 8010

E-mail: Michael@gofastpromo.com


Add: Industrial Zone, Bao'an District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, 518101

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